
Novel Approach to Modern Medicine
The Dawn of New Era Logo

NBI works with the richness of nature’s ingredients to provide scientifically proven solutions to chronic problems. Over the years, NBI has developed formulations and scientifically validated them through in vitro and clinical studies. The company’s focus is to deliver novel therapeutics which are assessed though the lens of modern state-of-the-art technology. NBI also strongly believes that efficacy and safety come hand in hand. To ensure this, the ingredients used in all our formulations are hand picked by experts and studied extensively. We are constantly seeking answers to health challenges and delivering success keeping in mind both physical and mental wellness. Starting with a strong and self-sufficient supply chain, NBI follows a stepwise, scientifically validated approach to identify potent and safe active compounds of plant origin and formulates them to meet the health demands of today. Our scientific minds are in persistent search to innovate affordable health solutions for a healthier tomorrow.